The Hearnes Adventure Photography

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moab snow day

Winter in Moab, Utah has always been a question mark in our minds. We'd seen epic photos of iconic desert features dusted in snow and we'd heard tales of brutal winter weeks of weather phonemes we Texans don't comprehend. "When there's an inversion, it'll be -20 in the valley and only 0 in the mountains," a local warned us. Although we are still clueless regarding the freezing science, we did experience a desert snow. And we went full Texan mode....

A few weeks ago, as we drove into town from our dispersed camp home we sighted snow miles off in castle valley area and completely lost it...we dropped the day's plans, setting off to explore some of our favorite Moab spots in this new (to us) snowy veil. We hit castle valley, hiked to the saddle between Parriott Mesa and Castleton Tower, immediately panicked because it was super cold, super windy, and sorta snowing. We (mostly Abbi, our A-team Photographer) took some pics, Charlie fully regretted joining us for the hike, then we retreated to the Subaru to car hike into the La Sal range. There we tested the Subie's capabilities (on the new Cooper AT3 tires I'm stoked about it), driving through a foot or so of fresh snow exploring our fave spots. Charlie's morale increased as he romped excitedly through the snow sans windiness. Snow day 2k16 was a blast, but we still aren't ready to live in the snow extensively without a 4 season shelter. Which is why we'll be spending the rest of winter in sunny Southern California! We can't wait.