adventure travel session in el chalten | patagonia destination wedding photographer
rich + anni's adventure travel session in el chalten | fitz roy, patagonia, argentina | patagonia destination elopement photographer

I honestly don't even know where to start with how amazing our trip to Patagonia was, but since the first set of photos I edited were these ones, I figured I'd start here! A few weeks before we left, Anni (a fellow wedding/elopement photographer) messaged me on instagram and said she was considering buying last minute tickets to Patagonia at the same time as our trip! She asked what we thought of meeting up and maybe sharing an AirBnb for a few days. I was stoked on it, especially since we already had plans to meet up with Megan and Nate (yes - another adventure wedding photography couple) in El Chalten on our final week in Patagonia, I encouraged her to get the tickets and join us!! We started a group text and after a quick FaceTime call had plans secured to share a tiny cabin with a couple of friends and a couple of strangers we knew would become friends (isn't social media amazing??).
While we spent a majority of our time together exploring El Chalten, hiking, car-hiking, and drinking coffee or wine (depending on the time of course) in our airbnb, we obviously wanted to spend one evening taking photos of each other! If you get three wedding photographer couples together in the most beautiful place on earth, you can pretty much guarantee we're going to spend one day taking some gorgeous photos of each other :) After a few days of the Fitz Roy mountains being covered in clouds, we noticed they were peeking out and threw on some normal-looking outfits, grabbed a box of wine at the grocery store (and a few wine glasses from the airbnb), and headed out to this little field for some photos. It was so fun to take turns in front of each other's cameras, dancing around the field (and in the middle of the road) as the clouds moved quickly above us and circled around Fitz Roy. We stayed out until it was dark, which in Patagonia in the summer time is about 10:30pm. It was such a refreshing time to be creative with no pressure and a good group of buddies.
Anni and Rich are some of the sweetest people we've met. They both have really interesting stories. I would think I had a grasp of what Anni's life growing up in India was like, and then she would bring up that one time she spent a semester hiking through the mountains and learning mountaineering. It was fun to meet her after following her on instagram for a while (and let's be honest - really looking up to her work), and talk about everything from life and adventure to wedding photography and traveling. She is an incredible destination wedding photographer who has shot all over the world. The way she captures people's connection is so so inspiring to me - you should definitely check out her work! And follow her on instagram. I'll be sharing some of the incredible photos she took of us, but if you want a preview - check here and here!

The Hearnes Adventure Photography is run by Abbi and Callen Hearne, a husband & wife wedding photography team with an emphasis on adventure. They live on the road as full-time nomads in their big white van, allowing them to serve a large portion of the western US including California, Utah, Oregon, Washington, Arizona, Colorado, and Wyoming. They have updated passports and are ready to travel anywhere in the world at the drop of a hat. They believe love is the greatest adventure and strive to create photos that are epic, romantic, true, and timeless.